At Work Services

Ergonomic Assessments

Service is targeted to fitting the workstation to you. Functional furniture with ergonomics at the forefront is the first step to creating a healthy work environment. Let our assessors guide you through great cost-effective options.

60 mins |  $120/Hour

Worksite Accommodations

Our services are designed to support employers in making reasonable efforts to meet the needs of those they employ. Our consultant’s will also ensure to educate both the employer and the employee on how to best utilize the recommended equipment to ensure that their needs are met and workers remain efficient and productive at work.

60 mins |  $120/Hour

Physical Demands Analysis

Service includes onsite assessment and evaluation to quantify and evaluate all of the physical, environmental and cognitive components of all essential and non-essential tasks of a job.

60 mins |  $120/Hour

Job Coaching

A wide array of services and supports can be provided to assist an injured or disabled workers in returning to competitive employment. Such services include:

  • Integrating assistive technology

  • Facilitating communication with leadership and colleagues

  • Incorporation of compensatory cognitive strategies

60 mins |  $120/Hour