Vocational Services
Transferrable Skills Analysis
The assessment includes a comprehensive analysis of the client’s occupational profile comprised of their education, skills, expertise and restrictions/limitations. The goal is to identify alternative jobs or career paths that the individual can pursue. TSA’s also take into consideration the necessary accommodations, modifications or short-term training that may be required in order to perform the role that has been identified. In the field of disability management, the TSA can assist in determining whether the incumbent is capable of being gainfully employed.
8-10 service hours | $120/hour
Job Search Coaching
Providing clients with the necessary tools and strategies for their own independent job search. Services include the following:
Resume and cover letter preparation
Interview preparation
Discussions around disclosure
Identifying transferable skills, strength and job matches
Key words
Networking and self-promotion
Identifying the hidden job market
Online applications
Accessing affording coursework/online computer training
60 mins | $120
Labour Market Survey
Labour market surveys aim to conduct specific research into various employers to determine their job requirements, earnings, job demands and work availability. The review of local labour market assists to establish the availability of suitable alternate work.
60 mins | $120
COD Planning
Change of Definition planning is a service dedicated to assist clients and their insurer navigating the end of a disability claim and offering rehabilitation services to ensure a successful, sustainable and a durable outcome is achieved.
60 mins | $120